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Building the wall: A construction timeline | Dump Trucks Charlotte NC

This timeline is ongoing and will be updated as events unfold.

A cornerstone to President Donald Trump’s agenda, construction of a wall along the U.S.

-Mexico border has stirred up controversy from its earliest mentions on the campaign trail.

Even after scaling back his vision for a “great big wall” of concrete spanning nearly 2,000 miles to a steel bollard design replacing particularly rundown stretches, the president has struggled to garner the Congressional support (and funding) that’s needed for the national security push. Work is underway, but the government shutdown, national emergency declaration and other measures have stirred up so much noise in the media that these details are easily lost.

Here, we’ve distilled the timeline of events down to key funding developments and project activity over the past few years. You’ll notice some of the players involved, contract amounts, scopes of columbus oh dump truck company — and that replacement of existing structure far outweighs construction of new wall. Though progress has been piecemeal, more is to come, so we’ll keep this up to date with the latest.

2017: A campaign promise takes shape

Border wall prototypes

2018: Work begins

Steel bollard design

2019: Patchy progress, wobbly funding